Featured Venues
Premiere Catering has preselected several exciting Portland area, affordable catering venues for you to choose from. Please take some time to review your many catering venue choices and make your selection. Click on the images below to view their websites. Feel free to give us a call with any questions you may have.
Anisworth House & Gardens
World Forestry Center
Saint Josef's Winery
Camp Colton
Old Schoolhouse 1928
Abiqua Estates
Gorge Crest
Pomeroy Farm
The Falls Event Center
Navara Gardens
Lucy's Garden Winery
The Barn at Countryside
Scholls Valley Lodge
Gorge-ous Weddings
Mt. View Orchards
Miller Farm Retreat
Bridal Veil Lakes
J. Wrigley Vinyards
Tina's Barn
Maple Leaf Events
The Laurelhurst Club
The Tin Roof Barn
Cerimon House
River Bell Farm
Vine & Sparrow Events
Creekside Estates
Orchard at Hood River
The Ruins
Please give us a call or text at 503-235-0274 with any questions or concerns you may have. If you prefer you may Email Premiere or feel free to use our Catering Inquiry form to ensure our availability.